The Race

World Premiere
SA Premiere

Availability &
Screening Time:

400 tickets


Christopher Clark


South Africa



Running Time:

7 min



In the Eastern Cape homelands, a century-old tradition of horseracing has existed amongst Xhosa men. It is a sport that not only brings pride and joy to the family, but also prosperity. To succeed is to elevate the home. The youngest son of the Gibson family, Lubablo, is ambitioned to become the top jockey to honour his family’s heritage of training and racing horses on the traditional horseracing circuit, and one day be a professional jockey. Not only is the fame attractive, but winning means putting food on the table and caring for his family long after his father passes on. There is a great unity to the sport and his father champions this. It is his hope that Lubablo will carry his own legacy as a brilliant sportsman. The film gracefully looks to the wide-open landscapes as the day of the big race draws closer and finally sees people coming together to embrace and celebrate Lubablo.