Political activist Boniface “Softie” Mwangi has long fought injustices in his country. Now he’s taking the next step by running for office in a regional Kenyan election. But running a clean campaign against corrupt opponents, with idealism as his only weapon, proves challenging – and Boniface soon discovers that confronting strong political dynasties poses a risk to his family’s safety. Should country really come before family, as he’s always believed? Although set against the backdrop of a country in transition, the film goes beyond politics to reveal what fuels one person’s need to push for change. To this end, moments spent with his wife and children deepen our understanding and offer introspective respites from the turbulent pace of the campaign.
CPH:DOX (2020)
Sundance (2020)
Availability &
Screening Time:
Sam Soko
Canada | Kenya
Running Time:
96 min
Co-presented with DIFF

Our pre-recorded Q&A with the Director is available on our YouTube channel, or embedded below.